VCPD184_VCPD1224 - ASME BPV Code Section III, Division 1: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components and USNRC Regulations (Virtual Classroom) has been added to your cart.

ASME BPV Code Section III, Division 1: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components and USNRC Regulations (Virtual Classroom)

Explore Section III, Division 1, how it interfaces with other BPVC sections, and how it is implemented by the US NRC in its regulations.

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  • Location and Date
    Seats Left
    List Price
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  • Dec 12-16th, 2024


  • Feb 13-18th, 2025


  • Apr 10-15th, 2025




This course is offered over the following four-day sessions, commencing at 9 AM and ending at 5:30 PM Eastern, each day, with breaks scheduled throughout:

  • December 12 - 13 and 16 - 17, 2024
  • February 13 - 14 and 17 - 18, 2025
  • April 10 - 11 and 14 - 15, 2025

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This course is an overview of Section III, Division 1, including interfaces with Sections II, V, IX, XI, and NQA-1. The course explains how Section III is implemented by the US NRC in its regulations, and regulatory guidance. The course also explains the Section III requirements and processes, including the requirements for design, determination of safety classification for components, quality assurance, third-party oversight by the Authorized Inspection Agency, and the duties and responsibilities of N, NA, NV and NPT certificate holders.

Students are presented with an overview of the technical bases for Section III, Class 1, design-by-analysis, the ASME Accreditation process, the requirements for the Authorized Inspection Agency, the duties and responsibilities of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, and the Quality Assurance Program requirements for Material Organizations and ASME Certificate Holders. The course explains the Section III process for Code Cases and Code Inquiries.

Course Materials (included in purchase of course)

  • For the duration of the course, each participant will receive access to the following sections/subsections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code via the ASME digital collection:
    • Section III, Subsection NCA: General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 
    • Section III, Division 1. Subsection NB: Class 1 Components
    • Section III, Division 1, Subsection NCD: Class 2 and Class 3 Components
    • Section III, Appendices
    • Section II, Part D (Customary): Materials
  • Downloadable version of the course presentation via ASME's learning platform

You Will Learn To:

  • Describe the scope and requirements of Section III
  • Describe how Section III is used by the USNRC
  • Describe the differences in requirements between Class 1, 2 and 3 components
  • Describe the Scope of Sections II, V, IX, XI and NQA-1 and how they interface with Section III
  • Explain the purpose of Code Cases and Code Interpretations and their use by the USNRC
  • Describe the purpose of Code Data Reports
  • Describe the third-party oversight functions performed by Authorized Inspection Agencies and the role of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector
  • Describe the Quality Assurance Program required for Certificate holders
  • Explain the significance of the ASME Certification Mark
  • Describe the ASME Accreditation Process, and duties and responsibilities for N, NA, NPT Certificate Holders
  • Describe new initiatives being considered by the Section III Standards Committee
  • Describe future global trends for nuclear generation of electric power

Who Should Attend
Entry level and experienced engineers and personnel employed by suppliers of nuclear systems and components, and operating nuclear power generation facilities that wish to gain a more in-depth understanding of Section III and how it is applied in the design and construction of components for nuclear power generation facilities. 

This ASME Virtual Classroom course is held live with an instructor on our online learning platform.  Certificate of completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course. 

Course Outline

Introduction to ASME & the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

  • Overview of a Pressurized Water Reactor
  • The ASME Code and Regulatory Agencies -- US NRC
  • Section III Division 1 Scope, Components, Classes NCA, NB, NCD, NE, NF, NG

Subsection NCA Requirements

  • NCA-1000 Scope
  • NCA-2000 Classification and "Importance to Safety" (Class 1, 2, 3, MC, CS, NS)
  • NCA-3000 Duties and Responsibilities and Section XI Inservice Inspection
  • NCA-4000 QA and NQA-1
  • NCA-5000 Authorized Inspection, 7000 Reference Standards
  • NCA-8000 Certification and Stamping and Nuclear Accreditation
  • NCA-9000 Glossary

Subsection NB - Construction of Class 1 Components

  • Section III Basis
  • NB-1000 Introduction
  • NB-2000 Materials and BPVC Section II Parts A, B, C, D
  • NB-3000 Design (Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping)
  • NB-4000 Fabrication/Installation and BPVC Section IX Welding/Brazing Qualifications
  • NB-5000 Nondestructive Examination (“NDE”) and BPVC Section V NDE
  • NB-6000 Testing
  • NB-7000 Overpressure Protections, (8000 Certification and Stamping)

NCD Class 2&3 Components (Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping, Storage Tanks)
NF Supports and NG Core Support Structures
NE Class MC (“Metal Containment”)

Course Wrap-up

  • ASME Nuclear Accreditation
  • Computer Usage responsibility – ASME NQA-1 3-400 and Subpart 2.7
  • ASME Section XI, Division 1: Rules for Inservice Inspection and Testing of Components of Light Water-Cooled Plants
  • US Nuclear Regulation Guides and Laws
  • Review learning outcomes

Greg Hollinger, P.E.

ASME Fellow

Greg L. Hollinger, P.E., Fellow, ASME, has 45 years of experience in power-related industries, including commercial nuclear power and other nuclear power technologies.

More Information


Virtual Classroom

Live course with an instructor and peers held in an online learning environment with digital enhancements and online materials.
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